Monday 23 May 2016

Hospital Stay

I thought I would do a post as I haven't posted something in a while. Might be helpful for me to post about my recent hospital stay. Since coming back home I haven't really talked about my experience and what happened. That was mainly because I could remember too much too vividly. Now thinking back it isn't as bad for me to discuss, quite a lot of things messed with my mind. Delirium is probably the reason as mixture of illness, medication and the amount time I was there can all affect the mind.

At first I was extremely ill and don't even remember the first two days in hospital. The biggest thing for me was the anxiety that I was suffering with, something I have never experienced like this. It felt like someone was crushing my body and like a strange feeling in my mind. I did struggle for a while with that and the delirium really didn't help, I thought some crazy things were happening that weren't.
I actually thought I was locked in the ward and that a gun running group was in the hospital and that gangsters were there. This happened quite often than not and it was very confusing not knowing what was real and what wasn't. Sometimes I was even shouting and swearing at doctors and nurses, which is not normal for me obviously. Anyway I don't want to get into the details of everything it would take forever and best to move on from it. I am extremely thankful towards all the medical staff who basically saved my life and obviously my family and carers. Finally I am grateful that I survived that ordeal with especially muscular dystrophy I somehow fought for my life and lived.

I left hospital and my anxiety was gone and everything was better again eventually took time to adjust again but nothing too stressful.