Saturday 18 January 2014



Looking forward to a well needed break from everything, haven't been a quite a while but it should be good. If you don't know about Martin House it's a wonderful place for terminally ill children and for teenagers/adults. Always something interesting to do and plenty of people to talk to, usually really good food and as it's yorkshire lots of tea otherwise it wouldn't be right. Anyway ill probably post next week with more.

thanks Alan

Monday 6 January 2014



Enjoyed my belated christmas rather later than never as they say, especially enjoyable christmas dinner starting with a seafood platter. Mostly just like eating the gravy which is obviously the best thing unless it's cheese that is. Afterwards watching the FA cup probably about 6 hours of that with the NFL for good measure. 

Playing gran turismo which was my present was enjoyable, didn't really think i could actually play it that easily. Turns out you can change the control response and make driving easier for players. I don't have anything more interesting to share, thanks for reading.


Friday 3 January 2014

New Beginnings

 New beginnings

Thought I would begin my new year with this blog, jumping on the bandwagon with bert. His blogging has been interesting hopefully i'm not boring for you all. This year im hoping is better because a few things have been quite stressful with illness within my family, also the death of my friend was difficult especially him having dmd. I can't forgot about the nice things with 3 more additions to the family coming that's amazing to have. The other thing would be the rise of dmd pathfinders deciding to become a charity of which i'm luckily involved with should be interesting this year. I'm trying to think about doing something more with my life too, possibly getting involved more social and continue my dance music creation hobby.

Starting my year with a belated christmas as my dad is back home, so that's something i'm going to enjoy especially the christmas dinner probably meaning i'm getting old if that's my favourite. Then having my birthday night out, half priced cocktails oh dear haha ill be a cheap date if anyone is offering ;) Will update you all about these events mostly just because I enjoy procrastination. 

Thanks if you read this it's greatly appreciated, please comment if you wish!!

:D a song to play me out I am the one and only